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Conjugación de live

to livevivir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I liveyo vivo
you livetú vives
he livesél vive
she livesella vive
we livenosotros vivimos
you livevosotros vivís
they liveellos viven
they liveellas viven

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I livedyo viví
you livedtú viviste
he livedél vivió
she livedella vivió
we livednosotros vivimos
you livedvosotros vivisteis
they livedellos vivieron
they livedellas vivieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have livedyo he vivido
you have livedtú has vivido
he has livedél ha vivido
she has livedella ha vivido
we have livednosotros hemos vivido
you have livedvosotros habéis vivido
they have livedellos han vivido
they have livedellas han vivido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had livedyo había vivido
you had livedtú habías vivido
he had livedél había vivido
she had livedella había vivido
we had livednosotros habíamos vivido
you had livedvosotros habíais vivido
they had livedellos habían vivido
they had livedellas habían vivido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will liveyo viviré
you will livetú vivirás
he will liveél vivirá
she will liveella vivirá
we will livenosotros viviremos
you will livevosotros viviréis
they will liveellos vivirán
they will liveellas vivirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have livedyo habré vivido
you will have livedtú habrás vivido
he will have livedél habrá vivido
she will have livedella habrá vivido
we will have livednosotros habremos vivido
you will have livedvosotros habréis vivido
they will have livedellos habrán vivido
they will have livedellas habrán vivido

I would liveyo viviría
you would livetú vivirías
he would liveél viviría
she would liveella viviría
we would livenosotros viviríamos
you would livevosotros viviríais
they would liveellos vivirían
they would liveellas vivirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have livedyo habría vivido
you would have livedtú habrías vivido
he would have livedél habría vivido
she would have livedella habría vivido
we would have livednosotros habríamos vivido
you would have livedvosotros habríais vivido
they would have livedellos habrían vivido
they would have livedellas habrían vivido

Participio presenteAnotado
living viviendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
lived vivido

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